You will feel trapped without true connection if you keep secrets and hide parts of you.
Vulnerability can be defined as having your guard down or being in an unprotected state which leaves one open for physical or emotional attack.
It’s like being naked. Adam and Eve first felt shame when they realized they were exposed. Babies don’t seem to care about releasing every thought and bodily fluid their body desires. Where did we lose this? It starts when the ego develops around age two—when a human has to “individuate” and decide they are no longer “one” with mommy. It is an important, God given part of development, which also allows us to realize when we cause pain to others and when we have done something wrong.
When we experience shame and guilt, we often develop a lite in our mind around certain stories which tell us that parts of us (and our story) are not acceptable. Let me just drop you a little piece of important truth: BY GOD’S GRACE WE ARE ALL WORTHY OF LOVE. There is nothing you can do to change your value, period!
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