Emotions are Valuable: The Mushy Stuff (Week One)
Our Emotions
Without recognizing them, it would be like driving across the country without a map. Or, let’s be honest since it’s 2020, the map ‘app’ on our smartphone.
We may get there, eventually, but just think of the stress and time that would be added. In addition to that, money spent! After all, more wrong turns equals more time on the road equals more food and gas consumed!
Life is more joyful and purposeful when we acknowledge our emotion’s God-given prompting, and then get their needs met. In order to do this, we use the truth about each situation we experience and we cling to related scripture.
If we truly take time to notice our emotions, which flow through our bodies every four minutes, they will guide us. When we meet them, we will find we will take less ‘wrong turns’ and we won’t get stuck.
Pointing Us to the Lord
All emotions were originally made to prompt us back to the Lord. We can get these needs supported by people (Ephesians 4 refers to this), but God’s original and ultimate will is to seek Him for our needs—and therefore our fellowship should be oriented to usher in His presence and His Word on all matters.
All feelings are built in prompts—none are either good or bad. However, we are responsible for where we let them take us. We have a choice how we think and how we behave.
Below are some verses that guide us how not to be stuck in a specific feeling. When we get stuck in a feeling, in addition to not providing the feeling it’s need, we usually will find we are believing a lie. These passages of scripture provide truth we are able to claim in response to those lies.
John 10 tells us Satan’s plan to steal our freedom and devour us. We get devoured when we give power to the father of lies and his words against us.
Instead, let us take up our swords (Eph 6:17) and proclaim his truth by his Word which is living and active and powerful (Hebrews 4:12).
—Jessica Jeans & Lauren Preusz
'New Wine' discusses the biblical concept of 🍇 grapes being crushed and pressed under pressure. This creates a new, refined substance—a new wine 🍷. Digging into our pain helps us see where we are being transformed through the hard things. God does not out those things on us—but He redeems them when we ask! He converts pain to power and liquid to good after it goes through a fire 🔥. Pressure brings new outcome!