You have found the courage to be deeply known and completely loved.

now YOU know where to find love, and how to receive more than ever before!

Known & Loved Weekend

Since you completed your weekend, there are some opportunities for you to continue your growth, spiritually and emotionally. You can have more connection with other women who know they are worthy and they know that you are too. This creates safety which allows you to be more vulnerable. Dare to be known even more.

Since you have entered back into the world after your weekend, you may find there are things about you that are new. Freedom where you weren’t free before. Love where you couldn’t feel it before. Even connections that are deeper than ever before. You may also notice that you would like a refresher on all that you experienced.


If you have completed a weekend, we invite you to help staff the upcoming weekend with us. Walk alongside other women as they find their freedom and healing on our next Known & Loved Weekend. You now have the experience to guide and support new women who will be joining you and changing their relationships, families, churches and friendships.

As a staffer, you will have time to re-connect with each other, observe and pray for the new women as you watch them find and overcome the blocks that have kept them from love.

During the afternoon on Friday, we will set up the facility to create the environment for our weekend. You will receive training on how to hold the space for the new women. You will not be expected to know anything more than you already know.

You will also find opportunities for more growth for yourselves. During our staff training meeting, we will learn some new tips and tools to help us as we staff together.

It is a different experience to sit through the weekend and grasp the material from a new point of view. Plus, you can talk (but not in front of the participants) and there will be Diet Coke and chocolate whenever you want it!

There will be a staff training on Saturday, March 29, 9-11. We will connect, check in, have a group teaching and then train and assign your roles for the weekend. It is important that you attend this training so you are ready to staff on the weekend.

The upoming weekend is in Arcadia, which is about 2.5 hours from Palm Beach Gardens area. We encourage you to carpool to start your weekend together. It is a beautiful retreat lodge and we will have the whole facility to ourselves.


April 11-13, 2025

Friday 6pm - Sunday 3pm

Location: Arcadia, FL

Pre-requiaite: Must have completed the weekend as a participant before staffing.

Staff size is limited so please register to reserve your spot soon!